Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation
You can also find out more about the following: Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited It is a Electrical power generation You can also find out more about the following: Distribution Public sector undertaking Owned by Tamil Nadu Government . The Electricity Act of 2004 (section 131) was amended on the 1st November 2010. It is now the successor of the former Tamil Nadu Electricity Board . Its nucleus is the electricity board’s distribution and generation wings. [3] TANGEDCO, a subsidiary company of TNEB Limited .
The Generation of the Right to Generate
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, which is responsible for meeting the energy requirements of the state has an installed capacity totaling 10,214MW, including shares of State Government, Central Government and Independent Power Producers. Windfarms, which can provide up to 4300 MW of renewable energy in the state, are also available. The state is experiencing a significant power deficit due to an astronomic increase in the energy demand over the past few years. As of February 2009, the state had a power deficit estimated at 11.9%. TNEB proposes a series of projects that will be built over the next five years to meet an ever-increasing demand for energy.
It operates four large thermoelectric power plants.
- Ennore thermal power station (ETPS – 450MW) (2×60 and 3×110)
- Mettur Thermal Station MTPS – 1440MW (MTPS), 4×210, and 1x600MW
- North Chennai Thermal Power Station (1830 MW 3×210 MW and 2x600MW).
- Tuticorin Thermal Power Station (5x210MW)
This company operates large wind power stations:
- Tamil Nadu has around 29 percent of India’s overall wind energy capacity. Tamil Nadu’s Government recognized the need and importance of renewable energy and established a separate Agency in 1985, the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency. Tamil Nadu is now India’s leader for Wind Power. The largest wind farm in India is Muppandal Windfarm, with a total of 3500MW. According to a 2013 TEDA survey, the total installed wind capacity in India is 7684 MW. In the 2016-17 fiscal year, electricity production was 9.521GWh with a capacity utilization of 15%.
TNEB serves a customer base of approximately 20 million people. Rural electrification is now 100%. Tamil Nadu has a per capita electricity consumption of 1000 units. The Government launched Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana to achieve its goal of electrifying all homes. If grid connectivity was not possible or cost-effective, “Decentralized Distribution” would be permitted. Tamil Nadu was never able to take advantage of the option that allowed it to share electricity with neighboring States.
The Ministry of Power launched the scheme for the Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme under the 11th Five-Year Plan. This plan aims to provide a quality and reliable power supply, and minimize energy loss.
New Projects
- Uppur Thermal Power Project (2 x 800MW)
- North Chennai Thermal Power Station Phase III Thermal Power Project (1×800 MW).
- North Chennai Thermal Power Station Stage IV (Two x 800MW)
- Tuticorin Thermal Power Station (800 MW)
- Udangudi STPP Stage-I (2 x 660 MW)
- Ennore SEZ STPP (660 MW) [4]