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Interview Questions And Answers Free Guidance Apk Download 2025

Interview Questions And Answers Free Guidance

The employer needs to know why you are applying for the position, how you will be a good fit in the company, and why your personality is suited to the organization. The key to their decision will be how you respond to interview questions.

The most important part of your answer is the content you provide. Confidence, enthusiasm and a positive attitude are important. Here are the most common interview questions.

What can you tell me about yourself?

Usually the first question asked in an interview, this is the most common. This is important because you will be able to make a good first impression on the interviewer. Your answer should not sound like it was rehearsed. Concentrate on how your abilities, qualities and achievements make you an excellent candidate for the position.

Your answer should not exceed five minutes. Start by describing your greatest qualifications and achievements. Then, go through your experience, and give examples of skills you have developed. Focus on your academic interests and the relevance of these to the position if you have a limited work history.

What makes you interested in working here?

Show that you have done your research by discussing what skills and interests led you to submit an application. Use examples of your passions – draw on the areas in which you excel. Discuss the aspects of the advertisement that attracted you.

Similar questions include:

  • What is your knowledge of the business?
  • Why did you apply for the job?

What are you strengths?

Choose three to four of the attributes that the employer has listed in their person specification. These include teamwork, initiative, lateral thinking, and leadership. You must have examples to back up your chosen strengths.

Similar questions include:

  • What would your friend say about you?
  • What would you say about your personality?
  • How would your former boss describe you in three positive words?

What are you weaknesses?

If you want to frame your response positively, choose characteristics that have improved since the last time. Tell the interviewer, for example, that self-confidence problems could have led you to be unable to accept criticism in the past. But now tell them how much better off you are because of your ability to take constructive feedback. Discuss how you have overcome a possible downside to your strongest strength. You might need to deal with conflict as a team player.

You should never say you are a perfectionist or have no weakness. They portray you as arrogant or dishonest, and lack self-awareness.

Similar questions include:

  • What is your response to criticism?
  • What would be your worst critic’s description of you?

What is your priority in work?

Employers want to know if you are organised, able to meet deadlines, and can handle several projects simultaneously. You can answer the question by giving examples when you have juggled multiple tasks while still delivering them on time and with high-quality. You can use examples from your previous work, studies at university or extracurricular activities. Tell us how you track your productivity and progress.

What would you do to improve the product/service we offer?

You will be able to prove your worth by showing that you know and understand what the business does. You don’t want to be critical of their product or services – after all, you’re applying for the job. But you shouldn’t deny that you would change anything. Interviewers want to know your ideas.

You should try to think of one or two areas that could be improved. It’s important to explain how and why these changes would be made. Focus on areas where you will have responsibility if hired.

What is an example when you have had to deal with a challenging situation?

It is one of most common competency-based questions. This question allows employers to gauge how reliable and calm you can be under pressure. You can describe an example of how you dealt with an unplanned problem. Discuss your time management and reorganisation. Consider times when you had to deal with difficult people or meet deadlines.

Similar questions include:

  • Tell us about a situation in which you were under stress.
  • Tell me about a situation where you handled a crisis.
  • What are your methods for managing time and prioritising tasks?
  • What is your response to pressure and stress?

Your greatest accomplishment?

Your answer should ideally demonstrate skills that are relevant to your job, such as initiative, teamwork, communication, organisation, and determination. Think of a moment when you received an award or organised an event. You could also recall a time where you learned something, overcame a fear, or even won an award. Prepare several examples.

You won’t be distinguished by graduating university, unless there were major obstacles such as sickness or problems in your personal life. You may also be asked a similar question: ‘What have you achieved in your career that makes you proud?

What is your goal?

You can show your ambition and professionalism by describing what you want to achieve in the short-term as well as long-term. Discuss your short- and longterm goals with enthusiasm, based on your employer, industry, and skills.

You should only describe the steps you would take to achieve your dream job in terms of the job that you are applying for, and what the employer offers to develop their employees’ careers. You must explain why your career goals are valuable for the company. Your knowledge about relevant qualifications and professional associations or your research into the career paths of other graduates could be mentioned.

What is your expected salary?

It can be difficult to respond to this question, because you do not want to appear to underestimate yourself or to give an answer so low that it would rule you out for the position. Don’t give a wide range as this will make you appear to be avoiding the issue. You should instead narrow down your range and say that you are willing to negotiate and be flexible.

Check the job description to see if a salary is mentioned or a range of salaries. Use this as a starting point. Research similar positions to find out the average salaries in the sector or industry you are interested in. Job Profiles can give you examples.

You may have already been working and you were asked to provide your salary at the time you applied. The employer might be surprised by your salary expectations if they are below your current wage or much higher.


Have you got any questions?

A bad impression will be created if you arrive without asking any questions. You should ask questions about the job or your career. Ask questions during an interview if you feel the need to. See 7 questions you should ask during an interview for some inspiration.

For those who need more help, the university’s careers and employability service offers practice interviews. You should contact them if your are a recent or current student.

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