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How To Verify Encumbrance Certificate (EC) In Online Apk Download 2025

Encumbrance Certificate (EC) in Tamil Nadua

Encumbrance certificate (EC) plays a vital role in the property and land transaction process of Tamil Nadu. It is a proof that the land or property has no legal or financial obligations, and it’s a crucial part of any property transaction. This blog will explain what an Encumbrance Certificate (EC) is, how to obtain it and whether or not its validity.

What does an Encumbrance Certificate mean?

The Encumbrance certificate provides an overview of all the registered property transactions including transfers and sales.

An Encumbrance Certificate in Tamil Nadu is used to determine any potential “encumbrances” on the property such as claims, loans or double registration.

Encumbrance Certificates are only available online in Tamil Nadu since 1975. The reason for this limitation is that property records before 1975 were not digitised. You will have to contact your local sub-registrar’s office for information about documents and transactions before 1973.

Why Do You Need an Encumbrance Certificate

Property Title Proof

It is proof of the clear title to the property, confirming there are not any pending lawsuits or mortgages.

Approval of Loan

Before sanctioning a property loan, banks and financial institutions will often ask for an EC.

Real Estate Transactions

This document is required for anyone buying or selling a property. It assures buyers of the legitimacy of their property.

Government Subsidies

An EC must be obtained to receive certain benefits and subsidies from the government.

Download EC from TN?

The EC is available in TN from the Department of Registration and Stamps. (Official tnreginet)

You can download EC using the app on your mobile device. Using Landeed you can download TN EC using survey number

Encumbrance Certificate Download (EC) using Survey Number

  1. Get the Landeed app: India’s fastest online document search
  2. Choose Tamil Nadu State > Encumbrance Certificate
  3. Choose your village and division by typing it in. Example: Nanniyur, Karur, Trichy
  4. Enter the Survey Number. Example: 123
  5. Choose the period for your search. Select your search period.
  6. Click Here to Search
  7. Save it to your phone by clicking Download.

Transaction history

The list will include all the transactions relating to the property during the specified period.

Property description

You can also find out more about

  • Property Type: Farm or non-agriculture
  • Lot No. Plot No.
  • The property is surveyed by Survey Number Survey No.
  • The area of the property,
  • Property boundaries: A small description in each direction of North, South, East, and West
  • The property is located in the village/colony.

Date and Document Number

On the ECc, you can see the details of the sales deeds that are associated with a particular transaction. Each entry shows the sub-registrar, book number (or document number), and year of registration.

Market value, consideration value, nature of the deed

This section records what type of deed and transaction it is. You may encounter the following values:

  • Deed of Sale: The deed is commonly used in the sale of a property directly.
  • Lease deed This document is used to lease the property.
  • Mortgage Deed/Deposit of Title Deed This document is used when the collateral property is being held as a financial guarantee.
  • Deed of Gift is used to transfer property from one person to another. This is often done during family successions.
  • Release deed This document is used when property rights are released. This deed is commonly used in successions and mortgages.
  • Guideline Value (also known as market value ) represents the base government price of the property. This value is used for calculating stamp duty and other fees.
  • Consideration value refers to the price that the purchaser actually pays for the property.

Parties Details: Claimants

In some cases, the encumbrance certificates also contain the personal information of the parties like their name and details about family members.

EC (Encumbrance Certificate) vs Patta/Chitta

The Encumbrance Certificate is a vital document but is primarily used for properties that are not agricultural.

Patta/Chitta is used to document agricultural property. The document provides information about the property, including the owner’s name, its nature, and details of cultivation.

Downloading both the EC as well as the Patta is recommended. It is particularly relevant in Tamil Nadu where many agricultural properties have now been turned into non-agricultural ones. Having the Patta as well as the EC gives a complete history of the property.


Additional documents apart from EC

Even though ECs are usually the first documents that you check when buying a property, it is important to also look at other important documents.

  1. Patta/Chitta gives details about agricultural properties like the name of the landowner, soil type, land nature and cultivation details.
  2. FMB/LP Maps shows the village survey numbers on a single map.
  3. The Registered Document outlines the terms and conditions of the entire transaction

If you are buying or selling property, make sure to review the entire transaction, and not just Encumbrance certificate (EC).

Landeed India’s fastest online document search for all property documents. Documents are available in 20+ Indian states. More than 10 lakh Indians use Landeed to securely store their property documents.

Use the App to get Tamil Nadu Documents. Download EC online (Encumbrance Certificate), order Certified Copy Sale Deeds, download Patta/Chitta and FMB maps, obtain Market Value, Tax Receipts, Property Survey Records.

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